The second part of my tips for surviving college with the Power of Being Intentional and Organized. Again, my methods probably won’t work for everyone, but I hope they can be adapted to help you not be that kid who spends college running after the deadlines that got away.
Get a note-taking device JUST for lists.
This can be an app on your phone or an actual cheap journal (I’ve done both)–but get something you can have on you at all times. Often every night before I went to bed, I sat down and made a list for what I had to do and when it had to happen the next day. These lists have been known to contain 23 very intense goals in a day–and organizing them is the only way everything got done.
It’s important to put FUN things on the list, too! I normally put “reading for fun” or “watch TV” on my list when I knew I could squeeze some time, because if you get it done then you can feel productive even though you were just wasting time, and if you don’t get to it, it’s not that important.
Normally I overestimated what I could do in a day but I also prioritized. Anything on my list that didn’t HAVE to be done got a question mark beside it, so if time was running short I could push things back. This also helps you luxuriate in procrastination when you really aren’t procrastinating. You’re all, “I’m gonna totally drop the ball on that journal assignment that’s not due till next week. OH YEAH, LIVING ON THE EDGE.” (#Nerd)
You also will use this device to write down any appointments or social events or new deadlines as SOON as they come up. The minute you agree to go to coffee on Tuesday, it goes on the list. When you get to a computer, you add it to your calendar. (Or if you’re more savvy than me, you just put it on your calendar via your phone.)
Sounds crazy, but this means you walk around prepared and you don’t have to cram things into your head. You’re already cramming a lot–there’s no reason to add this weight.
(Bonus: If you date your days, this doubles a detailed recording of your college life.)
Other Tips: Keep a Calendar, Rest Intentionally/Work in Bursts and Do the Occasional Crazy Thing.