As you may or may not know, I have been traveling from April 10th-April 29th with my mom and sister. In our mildly insane adventure, we went from Paris across northern France, then to Somerset and Cornwall before winding up in London. Instead of taking the time to type up all my journal entries (which are nearly half my new journal anyway), I thought I’d do a roundup post and just give you guys the sweet stuff.
Most weighty: Seeing some original Monet, Renior and Van Gogh paintings in Musée d’Orsay in Paris.
Most magical: Mont Saint Michel at dawn, when we were the only ones on the ramparts and the city still slept.
Best food: Crepes at Dinan, France.
Best prank: When Laura switched the languages on Mom’s audio guide while she wasn’t looking and Mom couldn’t figure out why the person suddenly was speaking French.
Most stunning: The coast along Lizard Point in Cornwall.
Most nerdy: Leaving pens at Tolkien’s grave in Oxford.
Most colorful: Toss up between Saint Chapelle in Paris and Claude Monet’s gardens in Giverny.
Most random: Stumbling upon Richard the Lionheart’s grave in Rouen, France.
Best experience: When I sang The Lord Bless You and Keep You in the Mont Saint Michel abbey.
The unexpected love of my life: Cutty Sark.
Best history museum: The Mary Rose in Portsmouth.
Most British: The hilariously sarcastic narrator on the City Cruise in London.
Best five pictures of the landscape:

Best three pictures of us:

Overall a fabulous trip… But I am looking forward to sitting still for a little while and resting!
Also, check out the post I did on The Great Noveling Adventure about creatively recording your travels!