Use Your Interests and Questions to Make a Story (10 minutes)
With a series of questions, students are prompted to make a list of their interests and a list of questions they’d like to find answers to. Alyssa guides them in seeing if they can find a creative way to combine the two and create stories. This transitions into a reading of The Invisible Boy.
Super Light Introduction to Modern Day (Labor) Human Trafficking (15 minutes)
A kid-friendly introduction to modern day human trafficking. Alyssa leads a discussion on the basic history behind human trafficking, the importance of seeing it, and the signs to look for. Note that the talk sticks with labor trafficking and does not go into detail about other forms of trafficking.
Fun Research: Superheroes (15 minutes)
Alyssa turns to the lighter side of The Invisible Boy, and her deep dive into the lore of Superman. Students are guided through an activity to create their own superhero identities.
How I Wrote The Invisible Boy (10 minutes)
So, what does it look like to combine your interests with a question? Alyssa uses gifs and humor to show how The Invisible Boy went from draft to full manuscript… to draft to full manuscript again… to draft to full manuscript again… She had to rewrite the book five times in all. The importance of revision is emphasized, and on how to continue even when you’re not sure you can do it.