Last July, I volunteered to co-edit the Bath Spa University MA Writing for Young People anthology with Irulan Horner. I don’t think either of us realized quite how much work we’d be doing, though we were warned. Over the last ten/eleven months, I’ve worked from afar extensively with our mail-out team, developed a website and social media strategy with Lindsay Schiro, and edited, edited, edited the little book that became Beautiful Lies. (Also, I’m going to humbly approach the #bragtable and mention that the title was my idea – based on a David Almond quote – and I am very...
The third part of my secret to survive college with three jobs and a full load of courses? Use your time intentionally. (more…)
The second part of my tips for surviving college with the Power of Being Intentional and Organized. Again, my methods probably won’t work for everyone, but I hope they can be adapted to help you not be that kid who spends college running after the deadlines that got away. Get a note-taking device JUST for lists. (more…)
A friend of mine asked me how I survived college with a full load of courses and three jobs, while still managing to attend some campus clubs and volunteer. Not all of my methods will work for everyone, because I am a mildly-insane organization freak. But in the hope that maybe a few of the tips in these entries can help another floundering undergraduate, I thought I’d share! My first tip: Get a calendar and use it. (more…)