Welcome to this blog’s first giveaway! I’m super excited for it!
To celebrate my manuscripts taking a magical journey to far off publishers at the end of the summer, I want to share some editing joy with you guys. This giveaway features critiques, consultations, and even mentoring.
I tallied it up, and as a freelancer the whole bundle would normally cost my clients almost $500! But for you guys, it’s free!
(Well, mostly free. I mean, you don’t have to pay to enter or anything. Just, you know, pick some of the options below and go at it.)
Here’s a bit more about the giveaway prizes:
1 Month of Writing Mentorship:
I’ll reach out to you via email and get to know a bit about your writing project and your goals for the month we’ll be working together. From there, my job is to hold you accountable to your targets with regular check-ins, help guide you through any hitches (whether you’re unsure of a plot move or unsure how to avoid “infodumping”), and give you a short critique. Basically I’m there to be your sounding board and give you some quality writing companionship!
Story Consultations + 10 Page Critique:
Story consultations will be 30 minute Skype calls between you, me, and (schedules allowing) my super-qualified partner in writing crime, Annie. During this session, you can talk about whatever you want, from publishing advice to plot to genre or writing tone… Whatever! We’ll give you feedback based off our expertise (both of us have our master’s in writing subjects and are signed with agents) and help you on your way. We’re also happy to give you a 10 page critique (before or after the call – your choice!).
(Note: If Skype doesn’t work for you for some reason, we can talk alternate ways to do this.)
Other Critiques:
Pretty straightforward. You’ll get detailed feedback from me on your excerpt of choice, with comments throughout your submission and then an overall analysis at the end. I always try to recommend solutions for any problem I pick up, so that you’ll be equipped and encouraged to move forward.

Sketches by Laura Hollingsworth:
Laura Hollingsworth, my crazy talented sister, has thrown her hat in with some free sketch perks! If you win a sketch, she’ll draw the character of your choice in the style above. (You can check out her commission guidelines here if you want more info.)
So, without further ado, let’s get this going! Good luck!